Victoria Gill
I am a passionate dance artist, model and entrepreneur who serves as the driving force and visionary behind Dance Inspirations, the largest touring dance event in the U.K. With a rich background in choreography, teaching, and event management, I am a highly accomplished dance artist, educator and commercial fashion model. I received her professional dancing training in some of London’s most elite institutions including Stella Mann College and Italia Conti. Also graduating with her ISTD Diploma in Dance Instruction and Diploma in Dance Education from Performers College, and Certificate of Ballet Teaching Studies through the Royal Academy of Dance. I am renowned for my exceptionally high work ethic with enormous and infectious energy!
Profile Picture of Victoria Gill
Victoria Gill
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Height 170cm/5'7"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Shoe Size 6
Bust 81cm/31.86"
Waist under 69cm/27.14"
Bra Size 32A
Tshirt Size 6
Define Talent i.e Actor/Performer (Dancer)/Model Dancer
Hips 86cm/33.83"
Region Belfast
UK Dress Size 6-8
Genre Catalogue, Catwalk & Runway, Commercial, Editorial, Face, Fashion, Glamour, Music Videos, Promotional, TV, Extras work, Fitness/Sports, I'll consider anything really
Skills Acting, Dancing
Head Shot Picture of Victoria Gill
Head Shot Picture of Victoria Gill
Polaroid Picture of Victoria Gill
Polaroid Picture of Victoria Gill
Polaroid Picture of Victoria Gill
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Height 170cm/5'7"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Shoe Size 6
Bust 81cm/31.86"
Waist under 69cm/27.14"
Bra Size 32A
Tshirt Size 6
Define Talent i.e Actor/Performer (Dancer)/Model Dancer
Hips 86cm/33.83"
Region Belfast
UK Dress Size 6-8
Genre Catalogue, Catwalk & Runway, Commercial, Editorial, Face, Fashion, Glamour, Music Videos, Promotional, TV, Extras work, Fitness/Sports, I'll consider anything really
Skills Acting, Dancing